Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Boulder

The other day while browsing around on bing maps I came across this boulder:

From what I could see online it looked like it was probably big enough and maybe had a steep prow feature.

Yesterday I finally got a chance to head out and check it out and I was not disappointed when I found this:

I'm calling it "The Sandcrawler Boulder" because I think it looks like one of these from Star Wars and because I am a nerd.

See the resemblance?


Today myself, Joel Harvie and John Bennett headed out, despite the forecast saying it would feel like -12, to check out what climbs we could do on it. The prow is heavily featured an yielded two easy but very fun problems. "Bing Crosby" up the left side an "Chandler Bing" up the right. There is potential for a hard climb straight up the feature in between those two but it would likely be an eliminate.
Joel on "Bing Crosby" V1
"Bing Crosby" from another angle.

The money side of the boulder is the vertical face to the left of Bing Crosby. There will likely be 4 very distinct lines up this face. The first problem we tried on this face today was the line furthest to the right before you get to "Bing Crosby". It's a stand start on a good right hand crimp, then goes up to a cool sloping rail feature which leads to some more crimps and some blind footwork to get to the top.

Andrew scoping for holds on what would become "Bantha Fodder" V5

Taller and harder climbs remain to be climbed to the left. I started trying the moves on one today and got shut down hard. The holds are definitely there, its just going to require doing some serious pulling on painful credit card sized crimps.

Joel also climbed up the cool crack/arete feature on the left side of this face for "Catchy16" a fun V0 and a nice addition to the boulder's warm ups.

I'm excited to get back to try some of the harder projects and clean some more of the easier lines. Also with a couple other potential boulders spotted on bing maps and an already long list of projects I want to complete I am excited about the prospect of bouldering this spring in general.