Monday, May 21, 2012


So I've had to come to the frustrating decision that I actually need to take some time off to let my finger heal. With a long list of projects I want to complete and the weather getting warmer every day this is pretty annoying.  There's been some new boulders discovered recently so I am going to try to focus on cleaning new stuff to keep myself occupied. I just need to make sure I leave my shoes at home to keep myself off the rock.

I've been going out and showing people areas / spotting recently instead of climbing. I am happy to say there seems to be increased interest in bouldering with several new people keen to get out and send.

Just recently one such person came into the gym. Head to toe in denim, with a feather sticking out of his fishing hat he and a friend walked into Wallnuts and went straight for the gear display case. After they looked at that for a while we asked them if we could help with anything.

"Do you have YOUTUBE?!" Denim man shouted back at us.


"YOUTUBE! Can you play YOUTUBE!?"

Once we told him we could indeed "play youtube" he made us look up his name and then pointed out some videos for us to watch. Explaining that he had just been "Mountain Climbing" on signal hill while his buddy filmed.

Here he is with an impressive free solo first ascent:

In this one he  tackles some bouldering instead:

I was particularly impressed by the circuitous route of his problem. Not being constrained by traditional concepts of what constitutes a "line" or "rock worth climbing" or "sanity".

After watching a few more of these very impressive climbing videos he asked us if he had "That thing that goes into the rock and makes the 3 point hole?"

We told him that we didn't think such a thing existed but if he was interested in climbing then the outfitters would be a good place to buy gear.

As they were leaving we advised them not to die out there and they went on their way. Where are they now I wonder. What feats of mountaineering greatness will they accomplish next?  Only time, and possibly the news report of an air rescue will tell....

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