Friday, July 15, 2011


Went out to St. George today for a birthday boulder session. After finishing my last project I needed something new to work on, so today I decided to try a 7a+ that I had not gotten on yet.

It's called "Cet a-plat de Merde" which very roughly translates to "A plate of shit" or something like that. It's an appropriate name, which is why I had not bothered to try it before.

It's one of the lowest finishing problems in the area, which in itself is pretty uninspiring and the climb itself does little to make up for that.You start on two sidepulls, pull up to a decent sloper, then do a couple of moves on weird crimps that ripped me a couple new flappers then try to reach out left for a sloper that leads to the finish jug.

I'm running out of fingers that are not missing chunks.

Despite the low quality of the problem, climbing it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience but only because I had to figure out the sequence. If I'd been given the beta beforehand the climb would have been as crappy as it's name. I went through a couple different sequence variations before I found one that worked, which is part of what makes bouldering fun to begin with.

It was nice to get a send on my birthday as well, and now to celebrate we are going out for korean bbq!

Here's a video of the send, along with a really fun V5.

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